Private Client Services
Years of planning, consistency, and sacrifice are required in order to work towards independence. Managing the large number of complex planning, insurance, and investment strategies can be extremely challenging. Our planning process examines the risks and opportunities associated with wealth. Highcroft works with your professional advisors to:
Establish a detailed retirement plan designed with the goal of providing lifetime income,
Examine insurance products that seek to provide guaranteed growth or guaranteed lifetime income,
Use life insurance to help protect against an unforeseen death and use disability income insurance to protect against an unforeseen disability,
Create an investment strategy with the objective to provide tax advantaged growth of capital,
Put in place a long term care program.
Detail a plan which seeks to provide financial independence for your family.
Create an estate plan that strives to effectively and efficiently transfer wealth to the next generation or to a charity or foundation.
Whether it is tax management planning, investment management, retirement income planning, or wealth transfer we have the ability to put together a program that ties everything together. We then meet on a consistent basis to review the plan and ensure that it continues to work for your family, and changes and new opportunities will be incorporated into your planning.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax or legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified tax advisor. Content in this material is for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.